Authentic Wild Food

since 1989

Riipisen Wild Game Restaurant


LOUNAS joka päivä 12-15.00

Ma-Su (mon-sun) 12-22

(Kitchen is closed 30 minute before closing time)

Rukatunturintie 6, FI93830 Rukatunturi, Finland
tel. +358 8 868 1219


The service was really friendly and flexible. The menu was more than filling. Frikka muikku, reindeer shake and bread cheese with varnish jam were top ten!



The food was so heavenly mouth-watering and soft, tasty and exactly what a reindeer fillet should be. Nothing could have been added or taken away from it. Perfect.
The restaurant had a relaxed atmosphere.



The products for the dishes are really high quality, tasty and local. In addition, the chef is absolutely the right person in the field and makes such delicious dishes that you almost have a tear of joy rolling down your cheek. You won't go hungry and you can experience the gifts of the north on a plate.


Fathers Day in the Wild Game Restaurant

Come celebrate your father and enjoy Riipisen Wild Game Restaurants tasty Father's Day menu. Please reserve your table in time!

National Indepence Day in Wild Game Restaurant

Come celebrate Finland's independence Day with a tasty Independence Day menu. Please reserve your table in time!

"Little Christmas" in Wild Game Restaurant

Welcome to traditional little Christmas lunches! Small Christmas lunches are available in our restaurant from November 9th to 19th, 28th-30th and December 1st-17th. Remember to reserve a table!

Riipisen suosittuun joulupäivän buffettiin keskiviikolle 25.12 löytyy vielä muutamia vapaita pöytiä. Tervetuloa nauttimaan hyvästä ruoasta ja joulun tunnelmasta ✨🍴🍷 ‼️huomioittehan, että kyseisenä päivänä on ainoastaan tarjolla buffet, ei ala cartea ‼️ Varaa pöytä osoitteesta . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamofinland #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukarestaurant #wildgame #kuusamoruka


Pikkujoulut, mitä parasta aikaa!💫🎄 Tulkaa viettämään ihanat juhlat ravintolaamme hyvän ruoan ja juoman parissa 🍴🍷 Tutustu menuun ja varaa pöytä osoitteesta . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #riistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukallatapahtuu #rukafinland #kuusamoruka #pikkujoulut #joulu


Riipisen riistaravintolan suuren suosion saanut joulubuffet tiistaille 24.12 on loppuunmyyty, mutta vielä löydät muutamia vapaita pöytiä joulupäivän buffettiin keskiviikolle 25.12 💫 Tervetuloa nauttimaan yksin tai yhdessä maukkaasta buffetista tunnelmalliseen ravintolaamme 🍴🎄 Voit tutustua buffettiin ja varata pöydän osoitteessa . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaravintolat #rukarestaurant #wildfood #finland


Tervetuloa ravintolaamme drinkille, kahville, lounaalle tai illalliselle 🫶🏽 . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukarestaurant #rukaravintolat #drinks #coctail #finland


🍂Ruska🍂 Mikäs sen kauniimpaa, kuin upea luonto herää eloon ihanilla väreillä? Toivotamme teidät lämpimästi tervetulleiksi nauttimaan upeista makuelämyksistä Suomen parhaaksi valittuun riistaravintolaamme🤎 Varmistaaksenne paikan ravintolaamme suosittelemme pöytävarausta. 📍Ravintolamme sijaitsee suoraan kelorinteen juurella 🚶🏼Kävellen Rukan keskuksesta (noin 300m) 🧑🏼‍🍳Palvelemme teitä MA-SU 13-22 (keittiö auki klo 21.30) 🗓Pöytävaraukset osoitteesta 🤳🏼Soittamalla +358 8 868 1219 . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riistaruoka #riistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukatunturi #rukaskiresort #riipisenlaakso #wildfood #villiruoka #reindeermeat #elkmeat #bearmeat #finland #ruska #rukaravintolat


Riipisen perheyrityksen Pekka, Päivi, Markus ja Mikael toivottaa kaikille erittäin hyvää valtakunnallista yrittäjien päivää 👏🏻 Riipisen perheyritys on kasvanut 1989 perustetusta pienestä lihakaupasta. Riipisen Riistaravintolan lisäksi toimintaan kuuluvat kuusi Riipisen myymälää, elintarviketehtaat Äänekoskella sekä Kuusamossa ja käsityöläistislaamo Kiteellä. Kiitämme samalla kaikkia asiakkaitamme, jotka olette mahdollistaneet tämän matkan jatkumisen sukupolvelta toiselle❤️🙏🏽 . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisenmatkamuistomyymälä #riipisenriistaherkut #kuusamo #kuusamoruka #kuusamofinland #ruka #rukafinland #rukakuusamo #rukakuusamofinland #vuokatti #helsinki #helsinkifinland #malloftripla #malloftriplahelsinki


Riipisen riistaravintola tarjoaa teille aitoa herkullista villiruokaa ja ihanaa pohjoisen tunnelmaa 🤎 Palvelemme teitä MA-SU 13-21 Tervetuloa ! . . . . #riipisen #riipisenriistaravintola #wildfood #ruka #rukakuusamofinland #rukakuusamo #finland #riista #rukaravintolat


RIIPISEN RIISTARAVINTOLAN LOUNAS JOKA PÄIVÄ KLO 13.00-15.30🍴 Lounaat alk.9,90 € LOUNASLISTA •PÄIVIN PORONKÄRISTYS MUUSILLA (L,G) 29€ •FRITEERATUT MUIKUT MUUSILLA (L) 19€ •FRITEERATUT MUIKUT (L) 9,90€ •SAVUPOROPASTA (L) 19€ •KANAKORI RANSKALAISILLA (L) 15€ •LIHAPULLAT MUUSILLA (L) 15€ •RANSKALAISET Sis.ketsuppi ja majoneesi (L) 7€ LASTEN LOUNASLISTA •LIHAPULLAT MUUSILLA 9,90€ •KANAKORI RANSKALAISILLA 9,90€ •MUIKUT MUUSILLA 9,90€ •SAVUPOROPASTA 12€ •PORONKÄRISTYS MUUSILLA 12€ TERVETULOA! PS. Vai haluasitko Illalliselle? Tutustu menuun ja pöytävarauksen illaksi voit tehdä helposti ao.linkin kautta👇 . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #finland #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #lounas #lunch #rukakuusamofinland


Savuporopasta annos on sulattanut asiakkaidemme sydämet! Oletko sinä jo maistanut tätä herkullista annosta? 🤤 Ravintolamme palvelee teitä joka päivä klo 13-21 Tervetuloa . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisenriistaherkut #riipisen #ruka #rukafinland #reindeer #reindeerpasta #pasta #dinner #lunch #rukakuusamo


Riipisen riistaravintola on taas avannut ovensa kesäkauteen🌼 Tervetuloa nauttimaan päivällä vaikka friteeratut muikut ja illalla ala carté listalta löytyy laaja valikoima maittavia annoksia ! Tutustu listaamme osoitteessa Olemme avoinna ma-su 13-21 Tervetuloa🤍 . . . . #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #finland #suomi


Riipisen perhe kiittää tästä talvikaudesta mahtavaa henkilökuntaamme ja asiakkaitamme 🤍 Avaamme jälleen ravintolamme heinäkuussa ! . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riipisenriistaherkut #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukakuusamofinland #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #finland4seasons #mushroomsoup #kuusamo #kuusamofinland


Nam mikä makuelämys 🤤 Tämä täyteläinen ja pehmeä sienikeitto joka tarjoillaan talon leivän kera, on ollut pitkään asiakkaidemme suosikki alkuruoka. Voit ottaa lisäksi myös halutessasi poron kylmäsavurouheen kruunaamaan tämän annoksen! Oletko sinä jo maistanut? . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riipisenriistaherkut #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukakuusamofinland #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #finland4seasons #mushroomsoup #kuusamo #kuusamofinland


Ja vielä tänään sunnuntaina menot jatkuu siitä kun showtime alkaa klo 13 Rock and Rolls cover band hyppää lavalle. Tervetuloa! Pääsiäisenä Riipisen Riistaravintolan terassilla tapahtuu! 🐣 Juhlatunnelmaa nostattamassa jo viime vuosilta tuttu Rock and Rolls cover band sekä uutena artistina Ilja Teppo joka laulaa omia kappaleitaan sekä lisäksi kunnioitetaan Iljan isän, edesmenneen Jaakko Tepon musiikkiperintöä 🎼❤️ Meille pääset helposti 🚘 Autolla, iso parkkipaikka löytyy ravintolamme vierestä 🏂 Laskettelemalla, ravintolamme sijaitsee heti kelorinteen alapuolella 🚶🏽‍♂️ Kävellen, vain noin 300m päässä Rukan keskuksesta Tervetuloa nauttimaan upeasta musiikista, ruoasta, juomista ja yhdessäolosta!💃🏽 Mikäli haluatte varata pöydän illalliselle, voit tehdä sen osoitteessa . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #pääsiäinen #easter #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #kuusamo


Pääsiäisenä Riipisen Riistaravintolan terassilla tapahtuu! 🐣 Juhlatunnelmaa nostattamassa jo viime vuosilta tuttu Rock and Rolls cover band sekä uutena artistina Ilja Teppo joka laulaa omia kappaleitaan sekä lisäksi kunnioitetaan Iljan isän, edesmenneen Jaakko Tepon musiikkiperintöä 🎼❤️ Meille pääset helposti 🚘 Autolla, iso parkkipaikka löytyy ravintolamme vierestä 🏂 Laskettelemalla, ravintolamme sijaitsee heti kelorinteen alapuolella 🚶🏽‍♂️ Kävellen, vain noin 300m päässä Rukan keskuksesta Tervetuloa nauttimaan upeasta musiikista, ruoasta, juomista ja yhdessäolosta!💃🏽 Mikäli haluatte varata pöydän illalliselle, voit tehdä sen osoitteessa . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #pääsiäinen #easter #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #kuusamo


Harmaa rinne festarit starttaa tänään Rukalla! 🙌🏻 Ennen festareiltahan tietysti täytyy tankata hyvin ruokaa, että jaksaa juhlia loppuun asti. Aivan Rukan keskustan läheisyydestä löydät Suomen parhaaksi valitun riistaravintolamme ja pääset myös meille suoraan laskemalla kelorinteen alas. Meiltä löytyy vielä muutamia vapaita pöytiä, joten varaathan pian omasi ja varmistat paikkasi ravintolaamme🍽️ Tervetuloa! Pöytävaraukset : . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #harmaarinnefestival #wildfood


Legendaarinen Päivin poronkäristys on yksi ehdottomasti suosituimmista annoksistamme jo monien vuosien ajan 🤤 Oletko sinä jo maistanut tätä mureaa suussa sulavaa poronkäristystä perunamuusilla, suolakurkuilla ja puolukalla? . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riipisenlaakso #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #finland #reindeer #poronkäristys


Kansainvälistä naistenpäivää vietetään perjantaina 8.3 🌹 Mikäs sen ihanampaa kuin yllättää ihanalla tunnelmallisella ravintola illallisella, kuohuvan tai viinin kera?🍴🍷 Voit tutustua menuun ja varata pöydän osoitteesta Tervetuloa! . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisenriistaravintola #ruka #rukakuusamofinland #rukakuusamo #rukaskiresort #rukafinland #finland #naistenpäivä #womensday


Tämä jälkiruoka saa veden kielelle sitä katsoessakin 🤤 Leipäjuustoa, lämmintä kinuskikastiketta, lakkaa, paahdettua valkosuklaata🤌🏼 Mikä on sun lemppari jälkiruoka? . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riipisenlaakso #jälkiruoka #desserts #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #rukaskiresort #finland #lakka #hilla #cloudberries


Riipisen Riistaravintolan lounas 🍽️ •Saatavilla joka päivä 12-15.30 •Vaihtuva keittolounas buffet •Lounaslistalta maukkaita annoksia •Lapsille oma menu ⛷️Ravintolamme sijaitsee heti kelorinteen alapuolella, joten meille pääset helposti suoraan rinteestä 🏃🏽‍♀️ Kävellen Rukan keskusaukiolta noin 300m 🚘Iso parkkipaikka Tutustu myös À la carte listaan ja varaa pöytä illalliselle osoitteesta . . . . #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #riistaruoka #lounas #rukakuusamo #ruka #rukatunturi #rukafinland #finland


💥RIIPISEN RIISTARAVINTOLAN LOUNAS💥 JOKA PÄIVÄ KLO 12.00-15.30 Lounaat alk.9,90 € 🤩 💥PÄIVÄN KEITTO BUFFET💥 15,90€ LAPSET (ALLE 12V.) 9,90€ SIS. LEIPÄ, VESI, KAHVI 💥LOUNASLISTA💥 PÄIVIN PORONKÄRISTYS MUUSILLA (L,G) 29€ FRITEERATUT MUIKUT MUUSILLA (L) 19€ FRITEERATUT MUIKUT (L) 9,90€ SAVUPOROPASTA (L) 19€ KANAKORI RANSKALAISILLA (L) 15€ LIHAPULLAT MUUSILLA (L) 15€ RANSKALAISET Sis.ketsuppi ja majoneesi (L) 7€ 💥LASTEN LOUNASLISTA💥 LIHAPULLAT MUUSILLA 9,90€ KANAKORI RANSKALAISILLA 9,90€ MUIKUT MUUSILLA 9,90€ SAVUPOROPASTA 12€ PORONKÄRISTYS MUUSILLA 12€ TERVETULOA! PS. Vai haluasitko Illalliselle??? Pöytävarauksen illaksi voit tehdä helposti ao.linkin kautta👇 #riipisenriistaravintola #riipisen #finland #ruka #rukakuusamo #rukafinland #lounas #lunch

Jouni L
November 30, -0001

Delicious dinner

Excellent restaurant serving well prepared local menus. Service is most polite finalizing the nice and welcoming atmosphere. I especially recommend the local reindeer filet.

Rodney L
November 30, -0001

Best fillet ever

Some of the best, tastiest meat I have ever had. Brilliant meal and flavours. Had the Reindeer fillet, perfectly cooked.

November 30, -0001

Overpriced and plastic

Lunch pasta was really overpriced as portion is very small. Fried vendace was good, and more reasonably priced. Tables not wiped, and really sad that inside in the restaurant you get beer in plastic cup and even forks are

November 30, -0001

All too small portion comparing the prize

Sauteed reindeer was good but all too small. Even mashed potatoes was little. Beetroot - portion was okei. Weiters were too little, maybe because covid influence still

Eemi M
November 30, -0001

Exotic And Pleasant

The waitress was kind and welcoming. The food was tasty and exotic. The dishes were a bit pricey but that is understandable considering the quality. The desserts were unique and also delicious. The mood / ambience was homey and relaxing. I would 100% recommend this place to anyone that is visiting Ruka. :)

November 30, -0001

Best steak ever tasted

This was our second visit to Ruka and my husband was excited to try the bear after missing out on going the last time we were on holiday. We decided to book here for my 40th birthday meal and we were not disappointed. I even had to change the time of the booking via online chat and this was sorted no problems at all. I ordered the elk steak and my husband had the “legendary” bear. The bear was delicious but the elk steak was out of this world and just melted in the mouth. Whilst my husband was happy with the bear he was jealous of the elk steak. For dessert I had the bread cheese (which is essentially halloumi in a Dulce de lace sauce). It blew my mind as the flavours went so well together and is something I have recreated since coming home. My husband had the brownie which was rich and moist. The staff and service was superb and the restaurant itself is very cosy. I would definitely recommend this restaurant and it was genuinely one of the best meals I have ever had.

November 30, -0001

The vey best for delicious game meat

I ate here 3 times despite, I might add , the cost. The Saute Bear was delicious as wqs the Elk pepper steak and also Elk Carpaccio. I loved the Diime cake but at 12 Euros could have done without. I thought the decor was wonderfully folksy. People from Helsinki like to eat here too. The service was ok but not exceptional. Would I go again yes!!

November 30, -0001

Very nice dinner and warm service

Very tasty food, nothing too fancy almost like my mother was in kicthen.That is good couse the most if customers seems to come with very casual attitude. Servise was quick and friendly even they start to be very busy.We liked ❤

November 30, -0001

Excellent experience

This is "a "no it is "the" excellent place to have delicious exotic dinner in Ruka, it is not cheap but really worth of the money you can spend.

November 30, -0001

The bear experience

There aren't many restaurants that offer a bear dish. Here they have one. Is it worth the 70€? Perhaps, depends what you are looking for. There was decent amout of meat and it was very tasty. So yes, if you are looking for something you don't eat or even can't get for every day try it, we enjoyed the experience. Otherwise the portion was nothing special, some mash and pickled cucumber. So if you don't specially want bear meat, you can get better, fine dining options for less from other restaurants. Oh and service was fine but interior bit kitschy.

November 30, -0001

Poor experience

This dinner was supposed to be the highlight of the holiday, but as a Ruka classic for years, the restaurant no longer lives up to its reputation. The menus are ok, the food is adequate, the main course is a little better, but the desserts are floundering on a daily basis (not at all worth the overall price!) and ruin overall. The wines in the wine package always had to be asked separately and were meshed up by the waiter and served wrongd. Paid almost 100 €/person and gave feedback in a constructive spirit to the above matter fresh (can't fix it yet). After that, there was no more service, and we were left alone at the table. They started to close the place and only served another group (there were no others present), we went to ask the cashier for the bill and wondered about the bad customer experience again. that's when the waiter apologized and said, everyone's taste is not the same (huh?), so there was no eye for the game. We went to our place for a coffee. The owner also has a pizzeria and a hamburger places (+ Kotipizza & Subway) on the same side of the fell, which are good, but the quality has dropped sharply in this flagship restaurant. So fast food is fine. We will not come again, will not suffer because of the poor value for money. Can't take this place anymore, it's not the best game restaurant in Finland.

November 30, -0001

Really nice restaurant whit good food

Really nice restaurant and quality food. Service was fast and nothing to complain. Highly recommend to eat in this place.

November 30, -0001

Very tasty food

Very good food! The Lappi menu was excellent. The service was very friendly and the athmosphere and decor of the restaurant was cozy. Definitely would visit again!

November 30, -0001

What's all the fuss about?

The restaurant has earned quite an epic accolade. I cannot quite understand why. There's a fair selection of reindeer and other local dishes, plus a particularly "Lappish" decor. However, the food is nothing out of the ordinary and the service is decent at best.

November 30, -0001

Awesome game restaurant, unique culinary experience!

Truly memorable culinary experience! Unique aperitifs made from spruce sap (spirit and sparkling wine), fantastic vendace, beautifully cooked elk and reindeer steaks, and bear to die for! Not cheap but then this is not fast food .. well worth the money for a

Tero W
November 30, -0001


We went here without very high expectations, there is always the possibility of ending up disappointed in these restaurants that are in tourist areas. We ended up being very satisfied though, we had their three course menu and everything was very tasty. The place is

November 30, -0001

Cozy restaurant with wild game food

We visited this restaurant with two families (4 adults, 3 children aged between 7-9). Everyone found something from the menu (reindeer, white fish, bear meat etc.). The interior is cozy and fits the wild game/Lappish theme.

November 30, -0001


We had dinner here on my husband’s BD night. Service was super slow. It took us ages to get out table. Then the waitress run away and to get drinks we had to go get someone as they seemed to ignore our presence effectively. When

November 30, -0001

Great game experience!

We ordered online for take away as we were too tired to walk to the restaurant. As starter we had white fish and vedace. Both were delicious, but the reindeere with two sauces was even better. Great experience.

November 30, -0001

Best Lappish restaurant

Amazing service, excellent food, good menu selection, a wide variety of available portions. We tried (with 7 persons) all we could, sharing all things interesting - and we consistently were happy and satisfied. Especially, the moose carpaccio is really worth a mention. So very interesting

November 30, -0001

Fancy game restaurant

The food was good all around. We visited with eleven people, mostly took full meals with three courses and there were only couple of misses in the appetizers. Main courses and desserts were from good to perfect. Prices were high, but that was expected. Service

November 30, -0001

Etelän variksilta rahat pois

Although food was delicious, it was way too overprized. Portions were very small after an active day. No bread, no appertizers, nothing. We wanted to eat outside, so waitress told us to order from the inside counter even there were only a few customers in

November 30, -0001

Takeaway game, and kids meals

Perfect takeaway food, and kids love too. We used their internet takeaway service and the food was really good. Nice change for the holiday. It’s good to use local services.

Helena E
November 30, -0001

Riipinen keeps its quality and safety

Riipinen keeps its quality in food , wines and service even during Corona. We visit this cozy restaurant every time we are in Ruka. The menus were excellent and big enough portions. Wine selection is suitable for game meals as well as fish dishes. The

November 30, -0001


On a cold, windy day Riipinen offers a hearty refuge with good food and drinks. Amazingly, this year there are many more customers than last year.

November 30, -0001

Nice cozy restaurant with Nordic atmosphere

Nice cozy restaurant with Nordic atmosphere. Based on the reviews our expectations was very high and we both chose Menu Lappi, but my wife wanted to change Finnish squeaky cheese dessert to chocolate cake and Thanks for the waitress that it was possible with the

November 30, -0001

Excellent scandinavian food

I had the "Kuusamo" 3 course menu. Everything was delicious and as a Fin the flavourpalette is for my liking. Not too fini dining, but no burger joint either. If you visit Ruka, i would recommend trying some nordic food.

November 30, -0001

Good food and cozy place

Really good food and friendly service. We take menu Tunturi and all the dishes were good. Reindeer tenderloin was excellent!

November 30, -0001

Really don’t understand the hype

Really don’t understand the rating on this restaurant, given the perfomance on 24.11, was it off season or what, but: - 3 course menu, bottle of Amarone, only couple wines were sold by bottle. When bottle was opened the cork was dry as sand! Given

November 30, -0001

Very good

We were eating here in October on a day the very first snow fell down in Ruka. All tastes were carefully combined abd the foid was great; however, I definitely recommed an appetizer or even two before the main course if you are hungry. The

November 30, -0001


We ordered the Tunturi set menu. Appetizer: Muikku was fresh and the perfect bite sized, it’s deep fried crispy-licious with it’s dill infused dip. Main course: Tender reindeer fillets. I’m happy with the doneness that was presented to me even though I wasn’t asked about

Dino W
November 30, -0001

the most famous restaurant for a good reason

If you can, book a table in advance as it tends to be fully booked often. The food was the best we ate in Ruka.

November 30, -0001

Fantastic Food, but wear a thick jumper!

I dined here with my family last week. The food is absolutely wonderful - probably one of the best meals I've ever had. I had the Reindeer fillets, my husband had Elk and my daughter had the Verdace (a freshwater fish). All of us were

November 30, -0001

Nearly brilliant

First of all: do not get fooled by the location of this place. A bit off the core of Ruka village and right next to a busy slope lies this nice and cosy restaurant. Food is tasty and fresh and the prices are not too

November 30, -0001

Very good quality Finnish

Very good quality Finnish food, including game and fish. Nice atmosphere, friendly service. A bit pricey but worth every cent.

November 30, -0001

The best place ever! Elk steak is delicious.

The best place ever! Our third time here, we would go everyday if we could! It’s a lovely short walk from Ruka ski in hotels. Lovely decor and the staff are all very friendly and welcoming. The vendace is delicious, we have it to start

November 30, -0001

Great experience and staff

Great experience, friendly staff. They have a lot of unique local dishes (I recommend trying the bear, it is pricy but a unique meal to enjoy) and the place is decorated very authentic.

November 30, -0001

Really nice place, amazing food.

We went here after a days skiing. We hadn’t booked but the host was very friendly, externally helpful and arranged a table for us. The food was amazing, so well cooked and well presented. A small hiccup with starters (probably down to our language barrier!)

November 30, -0001

What a way to end the year

We booked the table for New Year’s Eve following reading the review on trip advisor. It is situated a 5 min walk away from Ruka village (follow the road that the ski bus leaves the village) Having read that they served bear meat and the

November 30, -0001

One of the best meals I’ve ever had.

We booked online and walked the 10mins from Ruka. The restaurant had a quiet atmosphere and lovely Finnish decor. There was a small amount of choice in the menu and I could have chosen anything as they all sounded delicious. I went for a three

November 30, -0001

Excellent food and friendly service

We had sauteed reindeer and friend vendaces. Both were super tasty and even best we've ever had!! Service was friendly and quick. For the dessert we recommend squeaky cheese - really delicious.

November 30, -0001


A great place to taste specialities from north. All food was very tasty, especially beef of moose, fried small vendace, sauteed reindeer. Friendly service. I’ll hope that in next visit there is a couple of local cheese with berries and some kind of tasting (like

Hannu T
November 30, -0001

Light lunch on a sunny terrace of a wild game restaurant

Excellent fish soup (creamy arctic char!) enjoyed for lunch on a sunny terrace of a family owned famous wild game restaurant! A la carte list is full of tasty starters, main courses and desserts as well as moderately priced menus, like the trhree courses menu

November 30, -0001


Had a tasteful and plentiful poronkäristys at Riipisen riistaravintola. Otherwise nothong special to mention either service or atmosphere.

November 30, -0001

Perfect Dinner!

We had better than nice dinner in Riipisen Riistaravintola. We can recommend this place for everyone who loves good food!

Sami A
November 30, -0001

The best wild game restaurant around

This place will not boast with its atmosphere or fancy interiors. It does not have to. The food speaks for itself. We were two families with teens and on the menu everyone found something that pleased their taste. As the main course I myself ate

November 30, -0001

Some very good points but also some not so good

We ate here as a group of 14 adults and upon arrival our table was ready. The restaurant is slightly out of town, about minutes walk from the main ski centre. The decor is typical Ruka, all wood beams and log-cabin feel. Overall the premises

November 30, -0001

Excellent food & service

We had an excellent evening with my family yesterday! We were all happy. I had as a starter fried vendaces, my main course was sauteed reindeer, both were excellent. The dessert was sprouse sprout creme brulee which was very good! My oldest son had as

November 30, -0001

The absolute best fried vendace (friteeratut muikut)!

Always when I visit Ruka I visit Riipisen Riistaravintola atleast once, often twice! Really great food, atmosphere and friendly staff! Located just next to the slopes, easy access for lunch or dinner!

November 30, -0001

Amazing Reindeer

Waited months for my visit to this restaurant and it didn’t disappoint. The Reindeer Steak was simply outstanding as were all our friends meals. This for me is the best restaurant in Ruka!